Timestamping - Paper
- Time's glory is to calm contending kings,
- To unmask falsehood, and bring truth to light,
- To stamp the seal of time in aged things,
- To wake the morn, and sentinel the night,
- To wrong the wronger till he render right
This article presents an overview of proposed time-stamping schemes from the first protocol that was presented during Crypto '91 by Haber ans Stornetta.
- 1991
- How to Time-Stamp a Digital Document (Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta, Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 99-111 (1991))
- Efficient Broadcast Time-Stamping (Josh Benaloh and deMare, M. (1991))
- 1993
- Improving the Efficiency and Reliability of Digital Time-Stamping (Dave Bayer, Stuart Haber, and W. Scott Stornetta, 1993)
- 1997
- Time and Cryptography (Henri Massias, Jean-Jacques Quisquater, 1997)
- Secure names for bit-strings (Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta, 1997)
- Digital Time-stamping to Support Non Repudiation in Electronic Communications (Fernando Pinto, Vasco Freitas)
- 1998
- Time-Stamping With Binary Linking Schemes (Ahto Buldas, Peeter Laud, Helger Lipmaa, Jan Villemson, Crypto '98)
- New Linking Schemes for Digital Time-Stamping (Ahto Buldas, Peeter Laud, ICISC '98)
- Some Timestamping Protocol Failures (Mike Just, 1998)
- Design of a timestamping system (Preneel, Van Rompay, Quiaquater, Massias, Serret Avila)
- Digital Signatures, Timestamping and the Corresponding Infrastructure (Ahto Buldas, Helger Lipmaa)
- 1999
- Integrating Time-Stamping and Notarization (Meelis Roos, master thesis, 1999)
- Secure and Efficient Time-Stamping Systems (Helger Lipmaa, PhD Thesis, 1999)
- Timestamps: Main issues on their use and implementation (Henri Massias, Xavier Serret and Jean-Jacques Quisquater)
- Design of a secure timestamping service with minimal trust requirement (Henri Massias, Xavier Serret and Jean-Jacques Quisquater)
- 2000
- Optimally Efficient Accountable Time-Stamping (Ahto Buldas, Helger Lipmaa, Berry Schoenmakers, PKC '2000)
- Fast Verification in Group Hash Timestamp (Jungsoo Byun)
- A Local Time-stamping System (Jungsoo Byun, Alban Gabillon)
- Accountable Certificate Management using Undeniable Attestations ( Ahto Buldas, Peeter Laud, and Helger Lipmaa, ACM CCS 2001)
- Management of Information Used to Verify Time Stamps in Linking Schemes (Computer Security Symposium, 2000)
- Time Stamps with both Time Information and Evidence: Security and Evidence Management Cost (Masashi Une and Tsutomu Matsumoto, 2000)
- 2001
- Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (Network Working Group, 2001)
- Efficient Long-term Validation of Digital Signatures (Arne Ansper, Ahto Buldas, Meelis Roos, Jan Willemson, PKC 2001)
- Improving the Availability of Time-stamping Services (Arne Ansper, Ahto Buldas, Märt Saarepera, and Jan Willemson, ACISP 2001)
- Enabling the archival storage of signed documents (Petros Maniatis and Mary Baker, 2001)
- Enabling the Long-Term Archival of Signed Documents through Time Stamping (Petros Maniatis, T.J. Giuli, Mary Baker, 2001)
- The Security Evaluation of Time Stamping Schemes: The Present Situation and Studies (Masashi Une, 2001 (IMES Discussion Papers Series))
- Relations between Security and Verification Procedures of Time Stamps (SCIS 2001, Masashi Une and Tsutomu Matsumoto (in Japanese))
- Ten Security Classes of Time Stamping Systems (IEICE TR, 2001, Masashi Une and Tsutomu Matsumoto (in Japanese))
- A Two-Level Time-Stamping System (A. Gabillon, J. Byun, IFIP/SEC 2001)
- Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (Network Working Group, 2001)
- 2002
- Secure History Preservation Through Timeline Entanglement (Petros Maniatis, Mary Baker)
- Digital timestamps for dispute settlement in electronic commerce: generation, verification, and renewal (Matsuura, Imai, 2002)
- A Framework to Evaluate Security and Cost of Time Stamping Schemes (IEICE Trans. 2002, Masashi Une and Tsutomu Matsumoto)
- Size-efficient interval time stamps (Jan Villemson (Willemson), PhD thesis)
- On Optimal Hash Tree Traversal for Interval Time-Stamping (Helger Lipmaa, ISC 2002)
- A Time Stamped Virtual WORM System (A. Apvrille, J. Hughes, SECI 2002)
- Renewing Cryptographic Timestamps (S. Al-Riyami and C.J. Mitchell, CMS 2002)
- Classification of Time Stamping Schemes from the Viewpoint of Availability of Verification Procedures (Masashi Une, Tsutomu Matsumoto, 2002)
- XML Security Time Stamping Protocol (Axelle Apvrille, Vincent Girier, ISSE 2002)
- A new method for Digital Time-Stamping of Electronic Document (Everton Schonardie Pasqual, Júlio Dias, Ricardo Felipe Custódio, 2002)
- A Historic Name-Trail Service (Petros Maniatis, Mary Baker)
- Towards an XML Format for Time-Stamps (Karel Wouters, Bart Preneel, Ana Isabel González-Tablas, Arturo Ribagorda, XML 2002)
- 2003
- Historic Integrity in Distributed Systems (Petros Maniatis, Stanford, 2003)
- A Write-once Data Management System (Harada etc, 2003)
- Providing Interoperable Timestamping Services (A. Cilardo, A. Mazzeo, L. Romano, G. P. Saggese, and G. Cattaneo, 2003)
- An evaluation method of time stamping schemes from viewpoints of integrity, cost and availability (Masashi Une, Tsutomu Matsumoto, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, 151-164, 2003)
- Providing Digital Time Stamping Services to Mobile Devices (D. Cotroneo, C. di Flora, A. Mazzeo, L. Romano, S. Russo, G. P. Saggese, Words 2003)
- Efficient relative time-stamping scheme based on the ternary link (Igarashi Y, Kuwakado H, Tanaka H, 2003)
- A Web Services Based Architecture for Digital Time Stamping (A. Cilardo, A. Mazzeo, L. Romano, G. P. Saggese, Journal of Web Engineering, 2003)
- Using Web Services Technology for Inter-Enterprise Integration of Digital Time Stamping (A. Cilardo, A. Mazzeo, L. Romano, G. P. Saggese, and G. Cattaneo)
- 2004
- A Proposal for Distributed Digital Time-Stamping (Jon Busey)
- Non-Interactive Timestamping In the Bounded Storage Model ( Tal Moran, Ronen Shaltiel, Amnon Ta-Shma, Crypto'04)
- On the design of time-stamped signatures (Sun HM, Chen BC, Yeh HT, Journal CSS, 2004)
- Passive Timestamping in the Bounded Storage Model (Amnon Ta-Shma, Crypto 2004)
- Formal proof of correctness of scalable event-ordering system (Mizuhito Ogawa, Eiichi Horita, Satoshi Ono, 2004)
- Ahto Buldas, Märt Saarepera: On Provably Secure Time-Stamping Schemes. ASIACRYPT 2004: 500-514
- 2005
- A High Performance Solution for Providing Digital Time Stamping Services to Mobile Devices (A. Cilardo, D. Cotroneo, C. di Flora, A. Mazzeo, L. Romano, S. Russo, 2005)
- CATS: Certified Authenticated Tamper-evident State Store for Network Services (Aydan R. Yumerefendi and Jeffrey S. Chase, 2005)
- Formal proof of correctness of scalable event-ordering system (Mizuhito OGAWA, Eiichi HORITA, and Satoshi ONO, 2005)
- On Universal Composable Security of Time-Stamping Protocols (Toshihiko Matsuo and Shin.ichiro Matsuo, eprint 2005/148)
- Universally Composable Time-Stamping Schemes with Audit (Ahto Buldas Peeter Laud Mart Saarepera Jan Willemson, eprint 2005/198)
- A Distributed Time Stamping Scheme (A. Bonnecaze, P. Liardet, A. Gabillon, K. Blibech, 2005)
- Implementation of an Evidentiary Record Validation Utility and Security Analysis for Surety's AbsoluteProo ( Michael Thimblin, NagaSree Chandu Kamisetty, Padmanabhan Raman, Anupama Paila, 2005)
- 2006
- A Time-Stamping Proxy Signature Scheme Using Time-Stamping Service (Eric Jui-Lin Lu and Cheng-Jian Huang, IJNS 2006)
- Time-Stamping Schemes: A Distributed Point of View ( A. Bonnecaze et P. Liardet et A. Gabillon et K. Blibech, In Annals of Telecommunication,Vol. 61, n°5-6, mai-juin 2006.)
- A Multi-Signature For Time Stamping Scheme (A. Bonnecaze, SAR/SSI 06, June 2006. Seignosse, France.)
- Ahto Buldas, Sven Laur: Do Broken Hash Functions Affect the Security of Time-Stamping Schemes? ACNS 2006: 50-65
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